Loyola University New Orleans Summer 2011 Italy Study Abroad

Because sometimes, you're not sure about your life or your choices, so you up and take a month-long trip to Italy. Your Roman history is rusty. Your Catholic history is rusty. Your Italian is nearly non-existant. This trip is half-academic, half-pilgrimage, and nothing's certain. But sometimes, you jump off a cliff and hope you land on something soft. Or at least see something pretty on the way down.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Quotes. Because I Can.

These didn't quite fit into the "story" of my last post (or maybe they did and I didn't incorporate them well enough). Anyway, here are some lovely gems from the first day:

"Sometimes, I'd rather not know." - flight attendant in response to the question "Why won't they let us off the plane?"
"Sorry for the heated cabin. Once we pull away from the gate, the engines will kick in and we will be in Arcticville." - Another Lovely Flight Attendant
"If you have children, please take them to the bathroom before we take off. Please." - Same Flight Attendant, who obviously remembered to wear her funny pants when she got out of bed in the morning
"Did y'all even make it up the stairs?" - Drs. Bednarz and Sebastian after finding everyone collapsed at the bottom of the steps (don't worry--we'd made it up there)
"You can't buy toilet paper without it mentioning the Beatification." - Kirby (requires no context--none at ALL)

Other Observations:
- The Continental/United merger is weird. Really weird. I was talking to some flight attendants about it, and they really just don't understand.
- FLYING ON MEMORIAL DAY IS AWESOME WHEN YOUR PLANE DOESN'T HAVE PROBLEMS. Which mine did, but still. So much impromptu applause for service men in the airports made me really happy!
- Continental showed the most hilarious welcome video to Italy ever. "Imagine yourself walking the streets with Julius Caesar..." Loved it.
- Italians are judging me SO HARDCORE for my sunburn. Not only am I not eight feet tall and/or a model, but I'm all red and blotchy and look EVEN MORE American. Fail.
- Our dorm rooms and bathrooms are ridiculously huge for Europe. I'm pleasantly shocked. Though it is an American residence we're staying in...
- The water pressure is also fantastic! Also rare.
- The weather is gorgeous. Highs in the 70's and 80's and lows in the 50's. Toto, we're not in Houston anymore.
- WE CAN SLEEP WITH OUR WINDOWS OPEN. There aren't too many bugs (aka mosquitoes) as far as I can tell, but Carlyn and I decided that if a bird flew into our room, we would keep it as our pet and name it Giovanni.
- Italian is glorious. Sometimes I just want to 86 the stuff I'm studying and just spend college studying languages. BAH.
- Metric system. Wall plugs. AMERICA NEEDS TO GET WITH THE PROGRAM. I HAD TO CONVERT SO MANY THINGS. Or maybe I should move to Europe. Seriously considering that last one.


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