Loyola University New Orleans Summer 2011 Italy Study Abroad

Because sometimes, you're not sure about your life or your choices, so you up and take a month-long trip to Italy. Your Roman history is rusty. Your Catholic history is rusty. Your Italian is nearly non-existant. This trip is half-academic, half-pilgrimage, and nothing's certain. But sometimes, you jump off a cliff and hope you land on something soft. Or at least see something pretty on the way down.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pictures from Dead Day!

Remember when I said I didn't have pictures? I may or may not have lied.

Here's one I took during class that morning. Isn't Sister Terri cute? Her rendition of Jesus was fantastic.

These other ones are from when we went out that night and hung out around Piazza del Populo.

As you can see, they projected some kind of rainbow onto one of the gates, and while it confused us, we all thought it was very pretty. :)

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