Loyola University New Orleans Summer 2011 Italy Study Abroad

Because sometimes, you're not sure about your life or your choices, so you up and take a month-long trip to Italy. Your Roman history is rusty. Your Catholic history is rusty. Your Italian is nearly non-existant. This trip is half-academic, half-pilgrimage, and nothing's certain. But sometimes, you jump off a cliff and hope you land on something soft. Or at least see something pretty on the way down.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bonanotte, Roma!!!

Fact: I get way too iPhoto-happy.

Fact: The Trevi Fountain is way more beautiful at night.

After my lovely orientation with Rome, I headed back to St. John's, took a shower, and tried to make my aching feet feel better. Elizabeth (who I haven't told you about yet, but essentially she's this really cool and awesome theater teacher at Loyola) told me that she was going to get a bunch of pedicures while she's here. Seeing as I barely have money for food and fluctuate between starving and barely satiated all the time, I have no idea if I can make this happen, but it sounds like a good idea.

I've already lost weight on my arms, I think. It's kind of ridiculous.

Anyway, I went out with Carlyn, Antonia, Hutch, Kristin, Michelle B, and Lauren Baudot. We split dinner and then headed to the fountain (except Antonia who had an interview thought she was better than us), where we successfully frolicked for a few hours, then got gelato (not me, because I already had gelato for lunch), and then we looked at SPARKLY OBJECTS.

Fact: Gelato is a totally acceptable option for lunch.

Fact: I am addicted to sparkly objects. Somehow, I resisted buying.

Fact: Sometimes, as you head back to St. John's, you accidentally stumble upon the Pantheon.

Fact: Making pictures black and white makes a blurry and terrible picture into a classy and emotional picture.

Lauren: Well, this looks important. XD Yay for quotable quotes!!!

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